starting a business

"I have X (amount of money) what business can I do?"

"I want an idea to start a business."

People who ask these kinds of questions are not ready to start a business.

They are wasting time and money.

They just want to fit in the fad and unfortunately, they will be wiped immediately after they start.

Nobody can give you a viable idea. None.

If it is a good idea, they will do it themselves. They will not give you an idea.

 But, they can panel-beat your idea and give it a sense of viability.

Therefore, you should have your idea which you own dearly.

Someone will give you an idea and when you execute it and then it fails, you will blame the person or say the idea is not lucrative.

A business is an inherent idea. It comes from within you after an experience or a talent or a skill that you have.

It cannot come from another person.

A business is a solution to a human problem.

You might have an idea but it is not a business.

Business is work, and it comes from "Busy",

Most people think running a business is freedom. 

Running a business is more demanding than being an employee of a department.

If you don't have discipline and order, you will not succeed in running a business.

That's why the philosophy we espouse in this channel gives you the edge in running a business.

- Fasting

- 4Bs

- Avoiding sugar, wheat and processed foods

- Going to the Gym

- Reading and writing

All will give you the foundation for running a business.

Therefore, don't ask people to give you an idea,

If you don't have an idea, just wait. Save your money.

An idea is a spontaneous moment.

An idea comes from

- Your experiences

- Your encounters 

- Your talents

- Your skills

Identify a human problem that you experienced and then use your skills and talents to solve this problem.



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