
Showing posts from June, 2023


form first name : middle name : gender: male female email : gender school school Clear PCOD-591057 Payment Status: Pending Balance: 2500 Packed Not Assigned Date: 2023-06-25 PCOD-591055 Payment Status: Pending Balance: 0 ...


product , price , place , promotion , product Product is the good or service that is being marketed to meet the targeted audience ,a successful product fill the need that is currently met in the marketplace . things to consider while working out for your product; 1️⃣what your product   2️⃣ what does your product do(does the product meet the unfilled need)  3️⃣who is your product target audience   4️⃣how is your product different from what others offer price price is the cost of a product or service. name :

The Wake Up Call With Grauchi #116 Joha


C programing language

c programing language is a general-purpose,procedural,high level programing language used ; develop computer software,computer app,system programing,game development,web dev't. invented 1972 by dennis m. ritchie advantages of c language 1 .east to learn 2 .middle level language 3 .is structured language 4 .versatile language ,{ used in both applications and technologies }  features of c  language simplicity and efficiency -- faster language portable memory management pointers structured language   application of c language used in operating systems ,c is also known (system development language)coz code written in c runs as fast as the code written in assembly language

starting a business

"I have X (amount of money) what business can I do?" "I want an idea to start a business." People who ask these kinds of questions are not ready to start a business. They are wasting time and money. They just want to fit in the fad and unfortunately, they will be wiped immediately after they start. Nobody can give you a viable idea. None. If it is a good idea, they will do it themselves. They will not give you an idea.  But, they can panel-beat your idea and give it a sense of viability. Therefore, you should have your idea which you own dearly. Someone will give you an idea and when you execute it and then it fails, you will blame the person or say the idea is not lucrative. A business is an inherent idea. It comes from within you after an experience or a talent or a skill that you have. It cannot come from another person. A business is a solution to a human problem. You might have an idea but it is not a business. Business is work, and it comes from "Busy...